4 Simple Ideas To Keep Your House Warm During The Winter

In winter, your home should be a safe haven from cold temperatures. Although it is possible to increase the temperature of your home by raising it, this can result in high energy costs.

If you want to reduce your heating costs without sacrificing comfort, there are other options. Permanent measures include installing brand new windows, and checking the insulation in your attic. It’s easy to fix a problem quickly, such as buying a door draft-stopper or allowing the sun’s warmth into your attic when it is blue.

Here are some winter hacks to keep the cool out and warm in your home.

1. Install a thermostat programable.

Programmable thermostats let you control your home’s temperature more efficiently. You don’t need it to be at 68 degrees all day. You can heat your home while you’re awake and then set the thermostat to automatically lower the temperature when it is not. So you don’t have to step in a cold home, set the temperature to return back to normal after you go to bed or wake up.


“Smart learning thermostats automatically program based on current temperature, your preferences and patterns at home. Thumbtack’s Senior Director Strategic Partnerships and New Ventures, David Steckel, says that the weather outside can change the temperature in your house. The thermostat will adjust based on your settings and patterns. The thermostat will shut off your furnace if it does not detect movement within a few hours. This behavior can reduce heating costs by up to 10%


2. Be sure to check that the heating vents are not blocked.

Bailey Carson, a home-care expert with Angi says it’s a myth closing vents will make you save money on heating rooms that aren’t being used. Carson explains, “Your HVAC system was chosen for your home. It will produce the same amount hot air regardless of how many vents it has open.” Vents that are closed completely can cause the system to work harder, leading to increased energy bills and other problems. They can be partly closed to help push air into the right places, but you should leave at least 25% of them open.

It is possible to make your heating system run as efficiently as possible by clearing out warm-air vents or radiators. You should remove any rugs, furniture, and curtains that block the airflow. To prevent dust buildup, you should clean these areas regularly and replace the furnace filter.


3. Add a door draft stopper.

A draft guard is a good option to prevent cold air from entering your home through the doors. These handy objects can be placed on front doors and covered with fabric or sand to keep cold air out. If you feel so inclined, make your own. You will need to cut a length for your doorway and then sew it into an oval-shaped tube. Fill it with the stuffing of your choice before sealing it. Although it won’t stop the cool breeze from blowing in through the door, a draft stopper can be used to reduce the amount of air that is allowed to pass through the door.


4. Bubble wrap or plastic film can be used to protect windows.

Window insulators that are cheap and easy to install include bubble wrap and plastic film. Window film insulation kits are made of transparent shrink film which acts as a barrier to drafty windows. Once the plastic sheet is cut to size, wrap adhesive tape around your window frame. Use a hairdryer and seal the film with the tape. The plastic will easily peel at the end of the season.

To use bubble wrap, select a medium to large size. Bubble wrap too thin will not block cold air. Measure your windows to determine the size of bubble wrap. Use a spray bottle or a brush to apply a thin coating of water to the window. After spraying, place the bubble wrap on the window. Keep the bubbles facing outwards. The bubble wrap will stay put and warm you all winter thanks to the water.